Thursday, June 16, 2011

More on Medicals, Medicals, and Medicals...

At Binder and Binder®, we often recommend that our clients consider having an Independent Medical Examination (I.M.E.). An I.M.E. is given by a Board certified physician, doing an examination in his field of expertise. This physician is also skilled at writing the kind of thorough report we need to win your case. An Independent Medical Examiner report is not designed to replace your treating doctor’s report. A well written treating doctor’s report will always outweigh any other report. But an I.M.E. report is often an extremely valuable supplement to your own doctor’s report. Alternatively, if we are working with medical records only, we often recommend an I.M.E. to provide an opinion in the absence of one from a treating doctor. It is often vital to winning your case, because it can provide the documentation or explanations that we need to prove your disability.

When we recommend that you have an Independent Medical Examination, it is not because your doctor’s report is not good, or that your doctor isn’t a good physician. It is because we want to win your case. Therefore we want the evidence to be overwhelmingly strong.

We’ve found that powerful “medicals” can turn a close case into one which is an almost certain “win.” When you consider the cost of a medical report, remember that it is a key element in winning benefits that may continue coming to you for many years. We will be seeking to prove not only past disability, but continuing disability. And of course, in addition to the money involved, Medicare or Medicaid come with your successful Social Security Disability or S.S.I. award. It is almost impossible to put a price tag on the value of such great medical insurance plans.

Almost every client asks at one time or another, “Are we going to win my case?” No one can predict the outcome of any case with absolute certainty. But we are very proud of the fact that we are “America’s Most Successful Social Security Disability Advocates®.” When we urge you to make an appointment for an Independent Medical Examination, it is very much in your best interest to do so quickly.

We are very well aware that the expense of an Independent Medical Examination can be a financial problem. But our more than 25 years of experience process that it is a very wise investment. Because the three most important factors in winning your disability case are: medicals, medicals, and medicals.

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