Monday, June 13, 2011

Medical, Medicals, and Medicals...

You’ve probably heard that the three most important factors in Real Estate are “location, location, and location.” In proving your Disability Case, the three most important factors are “medicals, medicals, and medicals.” And by far, the most important of your “medicals” is a report from your own treating doctor.

In a perfect world, your doctor (M.D., PhD. or D.O.) would be a Board Certified expert who is treating you within his or her specialty. For example, if you have heart problems your “Perfect Doctor” would be a Board Certified Cardiologist. This “Perfect Doctor” would write a thoughtful report listing the complete history of your condition, including all clinical findings and whatever laboratory results that support those clinical observations. The report would conclude with the diagnosis, the prognosis, an explanation of your limitations, and a clear statement of your degree of disability. Unfortunately, we have found that “Perfect Doctors” are just as scarce as “Perfect Advocates.”

Many of our clients do not have a Board certified private physician who will dictate the kind of Medical Report that we need to win your case. Some very good doctors are not Board certified, and some very good Board certified doctors write very poor reports. Furthermore, many of our clients have no insurance and go to clinics. That makes it even more difficult to get complete reports.

We know that this may seem overwhelming, and perhaps a bit daunting. But, if it wasn’t important, we wouldn’t be bringing this up. For those of you who have gone through the process of becoming our clients, you know the importance we place on medical support from your treating doctor. We will be seeking to prove not only past disability, but continuing disability. We want the evidence to be overwhelmingly strong. Anyone can apply for disability, but those with medical proof and doctor’s support of their disability will fare much better in the end.

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